Burial In The Sky

Burial In The Sky is a technical progressive death metal band based out of PA.
Guitarists James and Brad have been striving to cultivate a new and unique form of metal. New album “The Consumed Self” just dropped via Rising Nemesis Records in August.
Catch them on tour this summer with Rivers of Nihil, Fallujah, Alluvial, and Warforged.
-why you use The String Source
James on String Source
“String Source has been the most reliable and consistent strings BITS has used.
It isn’t like we haven’t tried other brands. We just haven’t tried any that stand up the the quality and sound we have gotten from this company.
I beat the crap out of my strings and prefer using a Floyd rose. I am not giving my custom set any favors. They just hold up.”
BITS uses
-sets you use
Both James and Brad use a custom set
Both tunes to D-Standard.
.12, .16, .24, .32, .42, .52
(With a .62 on the low A when using a 7)